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Dr. Lowenstein

Parental Burnout

Burnout is common, and it occurs for a number of reasons. Perhaps best defined as a form of exhaustion that stems from physical, emotional, and mental stress, burnout is often the result of feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with what’s happening in your life.

Summertime and Sibling Rivalry

For many families, summer vacation is a carefree escape from the rigors of the school year – a time for your school-age kids to relax and have fun. But with fewer demands on everyone’s schedule and more time together as a family, there’s a pretty

Coping with Divorce Grief

It’s a natural, healthy process. Most people associate grief with death and the loss that comes with it. But there are other kinds of losses that occur in life, and divorce is certainly one of them. Divorce grief can trigger strong emotions that are sometimes

June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month

4 Mental Health Tips for Dads June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, which may come as no surprise given that Father’s Day is June 16. That makes it an opportune time to talk about the importance of mental health for dads. It’s a topic

Celebrating Mother’s Day after Your Divorce

If you’re recently divorced, you already know that holidays look different than they did in the past. And if you have children, those changes may be even more dramatic. This is especially true on Mother’s Day (and Father’s Day), holidays that highlight the role of

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, the United States has been observing Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health America (MHA) started the event with the purpose of raising awareness and educating people about mental illnesses. Today several organizations run campaigns throughout the month of May, with the green ribbon

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