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Dr. Lowenstein

What You Post on Social Media Could Impact Your Divorce

Couples going through a divorce have a lot on their minds. It’s often a long and expensive process to determine the division of assets, alimony, child custody, and child support. It’s also likely to be a very emotional and stressful time for everyone involved. If

Clear Out Clutter to Improve Your Mental Health

Does a quick glance at the stack of mail, bills, receipts, and other papers on your kitchen counter speed up your heart rate? Do you feel a headache coming on at the sight of your bedroom with clothes, shoes, and books strewn about the furniture

Is Social Media Bad for Your Marriage?

Let’s face it. Without the Internet, many happy couples wouldn’t be together today. Social media and online dating sites make it possible to connect with people around the world who have similar interests and want the same things in a relationship. Unfortunately, social media can

Understanding and Overcoming the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

The desire to fit in and belong is not new. It’s a fundamental part of human nature. People have a natural inclination to compare themselves with others, especially in areas where they feel inadequate. It’s all completely normal, as long as these feelings don’t get

When Your Child is Going through a Divorce

It seems like only yesterday that your son or daughter was walking down the aisle to say “I do.” Now you’re being told about their impending divorce. For many parents, hearing this news can feel like a punch in the gut. You naturally want the

Is Political Drama Ruining Your Life?

5 tips to help manage political stress When it comes to politics, the last several years have been like a roller coaster that never ends.  With political discourse at every turn, there are times when you just want it to stop. That may be easier

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